About Us
Way up in the northern part of the North Island of New Zealand is this wonderful place called the Bay of Islands.We live here surrounded by the sea, with ancient forests and clear night skies.
The love we have for handmade things and artisan skills began with our pottery we made for many years before we had our store. We called our store Enz of the Earth, and to stock it we decided to extend our horizons and look for other special pieces to sell …
For the next 25 years we were travellers, looking in distant places for treasure.
And our Enz of the Earth store was home to all these treasures before they were sold continuing their journey with other people.
Two years ago we sold our Enz of the Earth store, this wonderful place that brought together people visiting from all over the world, and now we continue to travel with a different way of seeing. No longer importers and retailers we have the chance to explore in a new way.
Over the years our travels took us around much of South East Asia, and we have seen many changes over time. Out of the way quiet laid back places are now tourist hotspots, and we want to show you where you can still find these quiet spots if you know the places to look … Bali, Indonesia, Thailand,China, India and more.
Alongside making ceramics and buying treasures for Enz of the Earth our other passion is photography.
As trading and exploring has become a way of life for us, it has given us a different slant on the world. And now we no longer have a shop to buy for, we’ve come up with a new name … Traders and Explorers … this is us now.
Our ten years experience as a web developers and photographers has allowed us to document our travels and experiences in a new way and this time we show you our take on Myanmar.
Irwins experience as a web developer and photographer makes this a perfect next step, and I’m the gopher, general helper, and keeper of the keys.
So loaded with cameras, drones, and our backpacks, we’re off to bring you stories and videos of where we’ve been and some new places as well.
Our website triptoburma.com is our personal take on Myanmar, the wonderful South East Asian country recently opened up to the western world. Come with us on our journey and see for yourselves this extraordinary place.
Travelling for sourcing and buying has given us this unique view of the world to share with you, and what you read and see here is a small part of our library. Join us as we regularly update triptoburma.com with new videos and posts as we go along.
Irwin and Geraldine
Check us out on our website tradersandexplorers.com
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Giving the local people a new view of their Pagoda.