Myanmar Hotels
When looking for hotels in Myanmar we first look at Cheapflights, then Trip Advisor. They always have a good selection of Myanmar hotels and good prices. Both sites are excellent. and its helpful to read the reviews for the hotels in Mandalay, Bagan, and Yangon.

Cheapflights is an aggregate site giving you the choice of hotels to book with as well as airlines and travel agents to book through, with no extra added fees.You can book flights,hotels, cars, and packages with them, and the price comparison labelled Cheapest Quickest Smartest up in the top bar is really helpful. Cheapflights will also check 3 days out either side for a better deal. As they use travel agents as well as airlines you get the best possible deal at no extra cost to you.
Find a hotel with Cheapflights.Com

We find TripAdvisor to be great for reviews and information about hotels in Myanmar as well as a site to book your trip on.They compare prices from several sources and have excellent reviews on each hotel.
Known for their feedback from the people who stay at the hotels, it is a good site for information before you decide on which hotel to book.
Find Myanmar Hotels