Myanmar Tours
Touring Myanmar with a pre booked tour is an excellent way to start. Most of the time we are independent travellers, but sometimes when we are new to a place it’s great to try a local tour.
Solo travellers and those who just want to take it easy with the planning find a great way to do it is through a planned tour.
What we have found when we book a tour is no matter how small or large the tour is, there are always little things that happen to engage us, and we meet people we wouldn’t otherwise connect with.
Cheapflights have packages at great rates and Trip Advisor has a ‘Things to do’ section trip planner on its website so you can book tours at the same time as your flights and hotels.
This cuts out much of the hassle when you can book all the different bits at the same time.

Going on your Myanmar holiday to Mandalay and Bagan, checkout TripAdvisor and Cheapflights with a range of places, tours, and prices. The top photo is a few of the lads buying jade at The Jade Market in Mandalay, and below is a huge monastery at Inwa the old capital of Burma.